KC Job Board
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"The value in KC All Access feels like a steal. For less than the price of one semester in film school, you get to learn way more than an entire film degree put together. But the best thing about KC All Access is that you can learn anytime and anywhere. You can leave for the holidays, work or vacation and just pick up where you left off. This makes work/learning life much easier."

Allan Yegon
Contest Winner
"I have looked up to Sam Kolder for the longest time. Having the ability to learn how he works and shortcut my learning curve to get closer to an industry professional I admire is amazing. I have fully switched to Davinci Resolve, and taking Sam Kolder's class tremendously helped me learn the program. The community aspect of Kolder Creative is also an incredible addition. I have met, talked to, and even worked with several other members of the community on projects."

Aleks Breiby
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"Investing in this course opened me up to many opportunities, allowing me to learn specific skills efficiently and meet people with the same mindset. I was truly blown away by the quality and support we can get within the course."

Beatrice Vu
North America
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